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LaunchDarkly for AWS

Deliver and control your software on AWS.

LaunchDarkly feature flags give you the safeguards to deploy new functionality to the cloud on-demand.

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Deliver and control your software on AWS.

Your AWS cloud journey needn't be stressful

AWS solutions like EC2, ECS, and EKS supply the infrastructure for modern applications. LaunchDarkly helps you deliver those applications to the cloud with greater agility, consistency, and control.

Release features on AWS confidently

Deploy code whenever you want. Release to users when ready. Test features in production safely.

Improve application reliability

Rest easy with instant rollbacks. Catch problems early and resolve them automatically.

Automate feature workflows

Standardize fast, low-risk releases. Schedule code changes in advance. Ensure enterprise compliance.

Migrate to AWS at your own pace

Move infrastructure and databases in small increments. Control which requests and data go where.

LaunchDarkly on AWS

Diagram of AWS migration with LaunchDarkly

In this example, a user builds a frontend portal and deploys it onto ECS. They host API-1 on EKS, so they can scale on-demand. They deploy API-2 on EC2 and use Cognito for authentication. RDS backs everything up. In this case, LaunchDarkly feature flags control the application APIs, logging level, and debug mode.

TrueCar logo

TrueCar deploys 20 times a day, migrates 500 websites to AWS with LaunchDarkly.

Release confidently

Ship features on AWS continuously

LaunchDarkly enables safe CI/CD, DevOps transformation, and other modern development practices.

Decouple deployments from releases

Radically increase developer productivity. Let developers confidently ship code to production multiple times a day. And let business stakeholders, like product managers, release that code to end-users at the perfect time.

End merge conflicts

Do away with PR bottlenecks and painful merge conflicts. Use feature flags to protect unfinished code in the main branch while you continuously deploy. When flagged code gets shipped, users are none the wiser.

Efficiently deliver topflight experiences

Create detailed user segments and deliver personalized digital experiences. Release features to specific users based on geography, feature preferences, and other custom attributes with less developer overhead.

Improve reliability

Modernize with no alarms and no surprises

Releasing faster doesn’t have to be scary. Mitigate risk with feature flags.

Remove anxiety with instant rollbacks

Avoid major disruptions. If a feature causes production errors, hit a kill swith (feature flag) to resolve the issue in 200ms—without having to redeploy your entire application.

Contextualize errors to fix them faster

Get a 360-degree view of every code change you make to your application. By integrating LaunchDarkly feature flag data and audit logs with your APM, you can find the root-cause of an incident faster. And you can act swiftly.

Make changes on the fly to preserve uptime

Dynamically change configurations to keep your service afloat no matter what. Wrap key features, microservices, etc. in feature flags. When errors arise, immediately switch to a failover option without pushing new code.

Automate workflows

Automate feature workflows on AWS

Automate and standardize fast, low-risk releases while complying with change management policies.

Schedule releases ahead of time

Set and forget your feature releases. Use Feature Workflows in LaunchDarkly to, for example, automatically roll out a feature to 20% of your users tomorrow, 35% the day after, and so on until releasing to 100%.

Streamline the approvals process for changes

Ensure the right people review critical code changes before they go live. But do so efficiently. Automatically assign approvers in LaunchDarkly. What’s more, request approvals using third-party tracking tools like ServiceNow.

Resolve incidents automatically

Put out would-be fires without doing a thing. With Flag Triggers, when a flagged feature causes production errors, your APM notifies LaunchDarkly, in turn, disabling the relevant flag in real-time.

Migrate gradually

Migrate to AWS with control

LaunchDarkly feature flags give you the control to accelerate your cloud journey.

Employ granular targeting

Seamlessly route user traffic and data between legacy endpoints and EC2, S3, RDS, and more. Create flag targeting rules and Lambda functions that allow you to deploy new infrastructure with extreme precision.

Roll out gradually, ease your way to 100%

Progressively migrate on-premises workloads to AWS. Move small portions of your application at a time. Enable databases, microservices, and containerized apps for a well-defined subset of users with feature flags.

A/B test in production

Ensure things work as they should on production servers at every stage. Test your new AWS cloud infrastructure, databases, and managed Kubernetes service with live data and users. And do so confidently.

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Nestlé Purina with AWS + LaunchDarkly

Feature Management

What is feature management?


Using Feature Flags to Avoid Downtime with Cloud Migrations

TrueCar's AWS migration was the smoothest, most uneventful of any I've ever managed using LaunchDarkly.

TrueCarRegis WilsonSite Reliability Engineer

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