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LaunchDarkly feature flags.

Power the next generation of software delivery.

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Flags for modern development

LaunchDarkly's feature management platform empowers every team to deliver and control software with feature flags. Our flags are versatile, reliable, and powerful.


LaunchDarkly’s SDKs handle every feature flag update automatically. We support every major programming language, so you can embed LaunchDarkly into your server, client, and mobile applications.

Stored locally

Upon initializing LaunchDarkly, all your feature flag rules get stored locally in-memory. Process millions of flag changes without suffering latency issues.

Real-time updates

When you turn feature flags on/off, our streaming architecture guarantees it happens instantly. LaunchDarkly processes flag updates in 200 milliseconds. No performance lag, no waiting, no stress. 

Consistent experience

Elite teams use feature flags to run canary tests, progressively deliver features, migrate to microservices, and more. In all cases, LaunchDarkly disperses every change to every server in real-time, ensuring a consistent experience.

Flag types

Do more with feature flags than you ever thought possible. 


For basic true-false scenarios, quickly create predefined Boolean flags and insert them in your code.


Define two or more custom variations. These variations can be strings, numbers, JSON objects, or JSON arrays.


Mark flags as temporary when you intend to remove them after releasing a feature. LaunchDarkly lets you find and scrub those flags with ease.  


Mark flags as permanent when keeping them in your code long-term. Use them for operational things like disabling non-essential features during a spike in traffic.


Enable flags on front-end applications with our client-side SDKs for desktop clients and mobile devices: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and more.

Bevan Blackie, Development Manager, Atlassian

It’s simple. We’re able to ship value to customers faster and get feedback sooner, which improves the overall experience.


Bevan Blackie

Development Manager

Flag organization and maintenance

Effortlessly find, contextualize, and arrange all your feature flags across your entire organization. 

LaunchDarkly feature flag Projects and Environments.
Code References screen in LaunchDarkly.
Compare and copy flags feature in LaunchDarkly.
Debugger feature in LaunchDarkly.

Sophisticated user targeting

Build custom user segments based on any attribute, no matter how specific you need to be.

Built-in & custom attributes

Built-in & custom attributes

Target specific users based on built-in LaunchDarkly user attributes like name, email, and country. Or write complex rules based on a host of custom attributes: entitlements data from your CRM, outputs from a machine learning model analyzing customer usage, or enriched demographic data from a third-party platform. 

Beta test user targeting in LaunchDarkly.

User segments

User segments

Put users with similar attributes into a cohort (e.g., a beta group), then create feature flag rules for that group. Once you’ve created a cohort, use it again and again for future releases. What’s more, import large user segments from product analytics software providers—and sync changes between LaunchDarkly and the latter.

Creating user segments in LaunchDarkly.

Percentage rollouts

Percentage rollouts

Gradually release a feature to a designated percentage of users. Initially, release to, say, only 5% of users. If the feature meets users’ needs and doesn't break production, expand to 10%, then 25%, and so on. Reduce the risk of your releases. And foster collaboration. At each stage, those in Development, Ops, and Product can gather key insights and, collectively, make better-informed decisions.

Percentage rollout in LaunchDarkly.



Prerequisites in LaunchDarkly allow you to create feature flag hierarchies, wherein the triggering of one flag unlocks other flags that control the user experience. Such conditional releases run more smoothly and are easier to manage than those in which flag dependencies are absent. Enjoy granular control over your features. Execute multiple flag changes with a single toggle. 

Prerequisites feature in LaunchDarkly.

We've been able to roll out new features at a pace that would've been unheard of a couple of years ago.

IBMMichael McKayPrincipal Software Engineer

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