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What’s Stopping Product Teams from Running Experiments
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What’s Stopping Product Teams from Running Experiments

Cameron Savage LaunchDarkly

LaunchDarkly is a powerful tool that allows you to easily accomplish safely releasing features, canary rollouts, targeting via our rules engine, and more. Today we will show you how you can improve the processes around these tasks by adding data. For example, if you are using LaunchDarkly to provide different variations of your product to different customers, you can improve that targeting by experimenting within those rules. Or if you’re doing a feature release or canary rollout, you can add metrics that allow you to validate the release is performing as expected so you can easily decide to roll back, stop the rollout, or continue releasing it.

Cameron Savage

Cameron Savage is a Product Manager at LaunchDarkly. Previously, he’s led and supported several teams building up early/growth products or projects. First at RetailMeNot, a digital couponing company, where his teams helped research, launch, and grow the first mobile web and app products into a mature offering. They served many millions of mobile web users and +25MM active app installs averaging over 4.5-stars by the time he left.

Next at Atlassian, as part of the Hipchat and Stride teams, Cameron worked with @Jonathan Nolen and led Product for two full-stack teams. They were focused on envisioning, positioning, and building Atlassian’s next generation communication tool from the ground up in order to properly compete with Slack atop Atlassian’s new microservices cloud architecture (and figure out how to bring along existing Hipchat users).

As a previous LaunchDarkly customer, and big believer in how much LD can unlock the power of other team's software, Cameron can't wait to see where they take LaunchDarkly.